Et comme ce sont des Stars… nous n’avons pas hésité à les interviewer!! Allez savoir comment, nous avons eu l’exclusivité !

Merci d’être parmi nous!
Un rêve petite ?
Puis pharmacienne mais vous allez d’abord jouer de malchance!
Où vous rejoigniez à l’époque la famille de votre mari!
Vous intégrez alors la NACA alors en tant que « Calculatrice Humaine » !
C’est en effet peu commun et cela vous a réussi !
Vous poursuivez naturellement au sein de la NASA!
Pour sûr! Vos parents doivent être fiers ?
Je ne vous questionne pas sur vos hobbies, je crois savoir que vous tuiez le temps en propulsant des objets dans l’espace…?!
Mais vous cultivez d’autres talents! Que d’efforts!
D’où vient cette obsession de quitter la Terre, fuyiez-vous quelque chose Annie?
Disclaimer : eu égard à toute législation et par considération pour les personnalités autour desquelles nous créons – avec malice – nos Interviews nous précisons qu’elles sont évidemment fictives bien qu’inspirées de faits réels et des propos tenus par la personnalité à qui elles rendent hommage, pour qui nous avons autant de respect que d’admiration.

La Fusée d’Alabama!
And as they are celebrities… we didn’t hesitate to interview them! We don’t know how but we got the exclusive !

Thank you for being with us!
My pleasure.
A dream as a child?
Not really, a lot of desire, and the project to be a Nurse.
Then a pharmacist, but you’re going to have some bad luck first !
An evil for a good: my study program closed when I arrived in Cleveland!
Where you were joining your husband’s family at the time!
You know everything.
You then joined NACA as a « Human Calculator »!
At first I thought it was a fictitious job, applied to make sure … and started 2 weeks later!
That is indeed unusual and it worked quite well for you!
I’m not complaining!
You are naturally going on to NASA!
Yes, the NACA will integrate in 58 the space activities to become the NASA you know today. The Soviet competition is not for nothing, it was an adventure!
For sure! Your parents must be proud?
My mother is less surprised than I am.
I don’t ask about your hobbies, I understand that you were killing time by propelling objects into space…?!
I am not a fan of gardening.
But you cultivate other talents! What an effort!
It requires indeed 40.000 km/h, and some white hairs.
Where does this obsession with leaving Earth come from, were you running away from something Annie?
Nothing else but routine!
Disclaimer : in view of all legislation and out of consideration for the personalities around whom we create -with malice- our interviews, we specify that they are obviously fictitious although inspired by real facts and the words of the personality whom they pay tribute, from whom we have as much respect as admiration.

The Alabama Rocket!
Annie Easley (1933-2011) was one of the first computer scientists to work for NASA.
As a mathematician and scientist, she led the team of developers who designed the « Centaur » rocket stage for NASA which is still in use today for some launch vehicles.
Annie Easley was born in 1933 in Birmingham (USA).
The state of Alabama was then subject to the « Jim Crow » racial segregation laws and her mother, who raised her alone, convinced her that « by working hard she could become whoever she wanted ».
With determination, she graduated at the top of her class with the ambition of becoming a pharmacist. In 1950 she left for Louisiana to study at Xavier University in New Orleans.
In 1954, she briefly returned to her native Alabama and helped her community prepare for the voting rights exam imposed on black citizens by segregation laws.
She married in the meantime and moved to Cleveland (Ohio) to be closer to her husband’s family: she hoped to continue her studies in pharmacy but the only school for this discipline closed at the same time.
It was in 1955 that she read the announcement that would change her life: the NACA (the Federal Aviation Research Agency) was looking for « human calculators », mathematical talents capable of performing complex calculations for engineers.
She applied and was accepted two weeks later: she became one of only four black employees out of the thousands of NACA employees at the time.
NASA was created in 1958 with the important responsibility of carrying the American Space Program.
It incorporated NACA and its aeronautical research, and launched the famous « Centaur » rocket stage project.
Annie Easley significantly participated and developed – among other things – computer codes to analyze alternative energy technologies.
Leaving the earth must be earned!
And it requires powerful engines to reach 29,000 km/h!
In the end, more than 40.000 km/h are necessary to escape the earth’s attraction – this is the liberation speed – which mobilizes enormous quantities of fuel and several rocket stages!